Sunday, December 18, 2016


"But I don't want to eat the yummy crunchy quinoa that Mommy made."

Miracles in our times

In our old apartment, if my daughter asked you, "Want to see a miracle?" she would proceed to show you the scorch mark on the carpet after she and her sister managed to successfully (unsuccessful?) light a match.
They were told it's a miracle they didn't set the whole carpet on fire.

Just you wait

My wife once texted me about one of our princesses:
"Actually wait till she starts carrying Afghan forces."

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Mon From Shomayim!

My wife caught my two oldest girls in the kitchen. Our 3-year-old was standing on top of their slide, as a make-shift ladder to reach up high into the kitchen cabinets. She had the sprinkles, and was gleefully showering them down onto her little sister, who was trying to catch them with her mouth.
"It's Mon from Shomayim!" she happily laughed.

Kiss her boo-boos

I was commiserating with my two-year-old about all her boo-boos.
She then sticks out her finger, which I proceed to kiss.

Uch. It wasn't a boo-boo she was showing me... it was her booger. Gross.

Yasher Koach!

Tatty, I made a big poop on the potty. Can you say Yasher Koach?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Burn the House Down!

In a store with her mother, my daughter yelled out loud, "Burn the house down!!!!"
Horrified, my wife looked around to see what damage control would be necessary. Normal girls don't address strangers in grocery stores with such announcements, you see.
"What are you talking about?"
My wife wisely concluded soon after that our daughter was repeating the story of the Alter Rebbe and Napolean...
Funny, right?
What would you have thought if you heard a sweet little girl make this announcement in your aisle?

Anatomy Lessons

When I give my girls a bath, I learn about body parts I never knew existed.
For example, after I soap their armpits, we move next to the legpits.

Job I didn't expect

As a Tatty (Daddy), I have reluctantly been dragged into a fuzz-between-the-toes remover for my 3-year-old.
"Tatty, there's more di-iirrrt!" she will call out to me.
With no hope in sight, I slump my shoulders and shuffle my feet and make my way to answer the call.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Licking the Bowl

My girls were licking out the delicious, chocolaty residue from the bowl Mommy used to make her dessert.
The oldest kept using her finger and a spoon to try to get every bit of chocolate she could.
We later found her sitting in the kitchen, with the bowl upside down over her head. She was licking the inside of the bowl at this much better angle!

Good Advice

This isn't about kids, but still good advice in general:
When you get a text that reads, "I'm having a really hard time, about to loose it", it's really best not to text back: *lose .


My 3-year-old's Morah was out of class for a week.
"She went to Eretz Yisroel," my daughter told me. "She is bringing the kinderlach there toys, since they don't have any."
"They don't have any? I'm sure they have some toys. Maybe they don't have all the ones that you do."
"Yeah, Morah said she is bringing them Magnatiles."

When I'm a baby

My 3-year-old sometimes talks as if she will turn back into a baby at some point. If she is talking about her younger sister,m she may say, "When ____ is bigger, she will sit in my carseat, and I will sit in her baby seat."
Or she will say, "When I'm a baby, I'll use the baby באדי (bath)."
"Oh, when will that be?" I ask.
"After I turn 4 or 5."

Thursday, January 21, 2016


My daughter was examining her baby sister, and pointed above her eyes.
"Is this her fore-keppie?" she asked.
It took my wife a moment to realize what she meant.

So exciting!

My three-year-old was ecstatic when she saw we bought a new vacuum cleaner.
"Yay! We got a new vacuum! So exciting!"
We then started dancing together.